Hujbregts Groep dedicates a lot of time and money to innovation. We even founded our very own Huijbregts Innovation Centre (HIC)! This centre helps us focus as intently as possible on preventing cross-contamination, minimising lead times and reducing the labour factor per kilo.

To achieve these goals, innovation employees spend their days brainstorming, playing around with the latest technologies and programming and developing high tech systems. These employees are skilled in, among other areas, programming, robotics, ICT, mechatronics and food technology.  The technology is produced, improved and where necessary, repaired in collaboration with colleagues from Technical Services.

We have already come up with over 80 innovations, partly thanks to the knowledge acquired at the HIC! This is what enables Huijbregts Groep to retain its leading market position, and promote the transfer of knowledge between industry and education and supplier and buyer.